
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Protest "Stop the massacre of russian-speaking ukrainians!"

13th of January, Strassburg

Current events demonstrate a worrying drift of orientations chosen by the European Union in case of Ukraine. The EU is in complete contradiction of the democratic principles it so strongly claims.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Protest against war crimes of Kiew regime in Donbass
8th of January, Berlin

  Around 50 people protested against Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk outside the Federal Chancellery building in Berlin, Thursday. Yatsenyuk arrived at the Chancellery for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and was heckled as his convoy passed the protesters.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

8 month after Odessa massacre and no investigation

8 month after Odessa massacre and no investigation, no punishment and doesn`t  stop the bloodshed in Ukraine.

Series of demonstrations against ukrainian regime were organized by antifa-activist in several european cities on 2th of January.

2th of January 2015
ODESSA, Kulikovo pole


2th of January 2015
BERLIN, Germany

Articles about the protest in Berlin (of German):
(of Russian):

2th of January 2015

Articles about the protest in Stockholm (of Russian)